Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The extremists of Bet Shemesh and the Islamists have a lot in common

Every time there is a terror attack or attempted terror attack by Islamic extremists in the UK, you can be sure that a self-proclaimed spokesman (usually from the Muslim Council of Britain) will pop up to give the usual statement: "We condemn this violence, but...."

"But... these were extremists, not real Muslims".
"But... these only represent a tiny minority of Muslims".
"But... these attacks are used by Islamaphobes to tar all Muslims with the same brush".
"But... if Muslims weren't provoked, these attacks wouldn't occur".

Now look at Agudat Yisrael's statement on what is going on Bet Shemesh. Notice the parallel?

Sometimes all you should do is issue a condemnation. Period. There is nothing more to say.

Unfortunately, Haredi extremists and Islamists have a lot in common. The extremists may be small minorities, but they are incubated by apologists from the wider community.